“An Art Classroom For Every Age”

The Rainbow Design Education provides opportunities to suit all abilities and there is no assumed knowledge. The activities are age-appropriate, there is no grading, just fun and informative lessons to stretch imaginations and learn new skills. Every age groups can explore creativity at their best.

  • Learn! STEP BY STEP
  • Get Certifcation after completion of each STEP
  • Choose STEP according your intrest
  • Uniform fees for all STEPS

Who can Join ?

Of Any Age, One who loves art, even don’t have any exposure to art or drawing before.

We also conduct live online drawing classes for different age groups on the Google Meet app. 100+ Students join daily & enjoying our Art Classroom from all over the world. Teach different media, like crayons, colored sketch pens, colored pencils, watercolor, poster color, and pencil sketching according to age groups. 


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